Disable Donation Receipt For Offline Donations

Disable the donation receipt email for offline donations.

Set Maximum Donation Amount

Set the maximum donation amount required.

REST API Shopping Cart Endpoint for EDD

Adds a REST API endpoint that returns the current user's shopping cart.

Add Security Info to Checkout

Replace the image on checkout with the proper image for your SSL certificate.

Override Commissions Email Template

Modify the email template sent for commissions

Change Vendor Delete Product Redirect

This plugin changes the destination that vendors are redirected to when they delete a product.

Min-Max Product Price (with decimal support)

Add minimum/maximum validation to your product's price - with decimal support

MemberPress: Return to Same Page After Signup

Return the user to the same page after they register.

Untitled Snippet


Marketing Manager

Update the author name on published recipes

This code snippet will update the author name for all existing recipes. Just replace New Name…


Remove Emojis

/** * Disable the emojis in WordPress. */ add_action( 'init', function () { remove_action( 'wp_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script',…

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