html div#om-{{id}} { top: 0px !important; bottom: unset !important; right: auto !important; margin-left: 20px !important; transition:…
Честит Рожден Ден с Мече "Happy Birthday"!
Търсите уникален подарък, който да направи рождения ден незабравим? Представяме ви нашето специално мече "Happy Birthday"!…
Integración de eventos del datalayer en Clarity
Enviar de manera automatica todos los eventos del datalayer a Microsoft Clarity
Disable a Payment Gateway for a country on WooCommerce Checkout Page
Disable a Payment Gateway for a country on WooCommerce Checkout Page
Affiliate Disclaimer
This site contains affiliate links for products and services I personally use and can happily recommend.…
MemberPress: Prevent Customers from Certain States in the US from Registering
This code snippet will prevent users based in specific US States from registering. For the code…
MemberPress: Dynamic Trial Periods
This code snippet will set the renewal date of all subscriptions to the specific yearly recurring…
Custom Heading above Qty (Woocommerce)
let qty = document.querySelector(".e-atc-qty-button-holder"); let text = ` How many card you’re planning to purchase? Choose…
WPForms: add field description in notification HTML and plain text emails
With this snippet, you can add a field description in notification emails that are sent to…
Download Archive Menu Item
Displays the download archive link in the "View All" tab of the "Pages" menu items meta…
Disable Renewal Notice for Specific Products
Disables renewal notices for specific products