Retroactive Lifetime Licenses

Mark all existing licenses for an EDD product as lifetime licenses.

Vendor Canonical Links

Makes the vendor canonical links go to yoursite/vendor/vendor-name instead of yoursite/vendor.

MemberPress: Require Specific Coupon to Register

The code will make a specific coupon mandatory for purchasing a specific membership. More than one…

Product Expiry For Woo

Supports the Expiry for Woocommerce plugin - WC Vendor

Newsletter signup

Get your readers to sign up for your newsletters seamlessly, in a single click

Remove the Header Menu Underline on Hover

If you enable the Header menu underline it will display both on active items and on…

Add vendor id and name to CSV commissions export

Add vendor id and name to CSV commissions export

Disable EDD Software Licensing Activation/Deactivation Logs

By default, when a license is activated or deactivated EDD Software Licensing adds a log entry…

Google Call Tracking - On Website

This snippet goes on the Contact page where our phone number is displayed. It allows Google…

Andrew Boldizsar PRO

AJAX Grid Search (multiple grids)

Add ID of #gridSearch to the search form. Give your multiple grid container a class of…


WhatsApp Button to WooCommerce Single Product Pages

Display a WhatsApp button on WooCommerce single product pages. You can customize color and shape of…

Block WP-Admin Area from Non-Administrators

Prevent users who are not administrators from accessing the wp-admin area.

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