Search results for: admin

Recent products table

if ( ! function_exists( 'wcv_remove_recent_product_table_columns' ) ) { /** * Remove columns from Recent Products table…

How to Automatically Submit a Form with a Field Choice - CSS

button#wpforms-submit-3046 { display: none; } form#wpforms-form-3046 span.wpforms-icon-choices-label { font-size: 0; } ul#wpforms-3046-field_3 li label:hover, ul#wpforms-3046-field_4 li…


Change the "Commission" header for the Recent Orders table

Change the "Commission" header for the Recent Orders table using the "wcvendors_recent_order_table_columns" filter hook.

Add Theme colors to Head

Gets the theme colors for X/Pro theme and adds them to the head location to use…


Change Opening Hours Closed Label

This filter can be used to change the closed label of Opening Hours. Replace 'Closed today.'…


Combined Date – Time Format (Override Completely) | Display Eventbrite Events

The combined date / time format appears in several layouts and typically looks like 12/02/2019, 10:00…

Auto Generate Virtual Coupon After a Customer Completed an Order

/** * Generate a virtual coupon when order is completed. * * @param int $order_id Order…

How to Display a List of WPForms Using a Shortcode

This snippet will create a new shortcode that can display all your WPForms forms.


WP Simple Pay: BuddyBoss Preview Compatibility

Provides BuddyBoss preview function compatibility

Restricting Address Autocomplete to a Specific Country

This snippet is used to modify the default behavior of the address autocomplete feature in WPForms.…


floating bar css

html div#om-{{id}}.CampaignType--floating { position: absolute !important; top: 0 !important; display: block !important; background: #0B8BBB !important; }

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