WPCode Admin Number of Snippets (copy)
Change the number of snippets displayed in the admin list using a filter.
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fishing camera
REST API Shopping Cart Endpoint for EDD
Adds a REST API endpoint that returns the current user's shopping cart.
Force account creation by cart total
Force account creation at checkout if the cart total is a certain amount and the quantity…
Prevent Discounts on Upgrades
Does not allow a discount code to be applied when an license upgrade is present in…
Unlimited User Downloads for EDD Recurring
Allows certain users to be allowed to bypass the active account requirement in EDD Recurring Payments
Add Custom Taxonomy - Multiple Vendor Taxonomy
Allows the vendor to select multiple taxonomies
Add a video field to the sign-up form
// Add the video field to the signup form. add_action( 'wcv_form_input_after__wcv_store_name', 'wcv_video_uploader'); function wcv_video_uploader( ){ //…
Force product type for all products
// Disable the product type drop down. add_filter('wcv_disable_product_type', function() { return true; } ); /** *…
Add TikTok to the social tab of settings
This will show the setting and it should be saved when saving the form.
Custom Social Share Email Subject
If you wish to modify the email subject text when clicking the social share email icon…