Set Fixed Donation Amount

/** * Automatically set the donation amount and recurring * period for donations. * * @param…

Disable Donations After Goal Is Reached

/** * NOTE: This code snippet must be included in your theme's functions.php file, * or…

Send New User Notifications

/** * Send the new user notification after someone registers * through the Charitable registration form.…

WPForms: hide certain sections on a single entry page: notes, log, debug, meta, payment, actions, related, geolocation.

This code removes all sections on a single entry page in the admin area. Method names…

Disable Automatic Updates Emails (copy)

Stop getting emails about automatic updates on your WordPress site.

Alter Payment List Quick Actions

Remove the 'Delete' option from the Payment List Quick Action

Modify User Role on Checkout

Modify the user role that is given to users that register during checkout

Include Subscriptions in API

Include EDD Subscription payments in the /edd-api/sales endpoint

Replace Add to Cart with Download

If the user has purcahsed the product already, show a links to download each file associated…

Change label of CSV header, and removing others(Export Totals to CSV)

This snippet will change the label of CSV header, and remove the others(Export Totals to CSV)

Custom Tab Order For Dashboard

The following code will allow you to change the order that the front end dashboard is…

Override the commission calculation priority order

/** * Given the provided list of vendor_ids in the vendors array, override the commission to…

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