Extra WordPress Filters in Pro (Do something with the ticket availability display) | Display Eventbrite Events

Using this filter, you can change the ticket availability display. filter: (‘wfea_availability_display‘ , $msg, $total_sold, $event_capacity)…

Add tracking pixel / javascript on modal checkout complete | Display Eventbrite

Enable addition javascript to be executed on Eventbrite Modal Order Complete, this can be use for…

Ultra Shop button

A button to link our shop to the Ultraceuticals Shop

Block WP-Admin Area from Non-Administrators

Prevent users who are not administrators from accessing the wp-admin area.

Defining Outlook Mailer Constants

This snippet will prevent users from changing WP Mail SMTP settings in your WordPress admin area…

Сортировка методов доставки СДЭК по стоимости, от дешевых к дорогим

Сниппет предназначен для сортировки методов доставки СДЭК. Сортировка происходит от самых дешевых к самым дорогим.

MemberPress: Change the “Username or E-mail” label on login form

This code changes the “Username or Email” field label on the MemberPress login page. Note: this…

Open All Internal and External Link in New Tab in Wordpress

Open All Internal and External Link in New Tab in Wordpress


html div#om-{{id}} { top: 0px !important; bottom: unset !important; right: auto !important; margin-left: 20px !important; transition:…

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