Disable PayPal for Multi-Item Checkout
Disables the PayPal gateway when the cart contains multiple items. PayPal disabled the ability to purchase…
Top Pagination
Adds pagination links to the top of the [downloads] short code
custom order status wpadmin
/* * Register a custom order status * * @author Misha Rudrastyh * @url https://rudrastyh.com/woocommerce/order-statuses.html */…
Override Header Logo with Custom SVG
While you can select an SVG image from the customizer for your header logo if you…
Event URL (Additional Data) | Display Eventbrite Events
This filter allows you to adjust the event URL. This is primarily so you can add…
Tweak Price Display (Appends Text) | Display Eventbrite Events
The Display Eventbrite plugin premium version can display prices. If you want to tweak to display…
Add a single Order export field with all Shipping address details
function custom_woo_ce_extend_order_fields( $fields ) { $fields[] = array( 'name' => 'shipping_address_full', 'label' => 'Shipping: All details',…
Headers and Footers
To track Google analytics.
https://www.highcpmgate.com/nhbhtr0d?key=03e2438ad5e312b7ac5fafb7447c08d2 https://www.highcpmgate.com/nhbhtr0d?key=03e2438ad5e312b7ac5fafb7447c08d2/unitap.io