AIO Dashboard

Suport for AIO SEO dashboard

Use Billing Address in Order Exports

add_filter( 'wcv_export_orders_use_shipping_address', 'wcv_order_export_use_shipping_address' ); function wcv_order_export_use_shipping_address( ){ return false;

Whitelist Callback Functions for use in Theme Elements

Various elements in the Total theme allow you to select a callback function for the output…

Remove title on all pages for Hello Theme

By default Hello theme displays page title at the top of every page. While you can…

remove auto linkig

remove_filter( 'comment_text', 'make_clickable', 9 );

Extra WordPress Filters in Pro (Do something with the age restriction display) | Display Eventbrite Events

Using this filter you can change the age restriction display. e.g. all_ages by default displays nothing,…

Custom Plugin for WPForms

WPForms custom template generator.

David Ozokoye PRO

AJAX Grid Search (multiple grids)

Add ID of #gridSearch to the search form. Give your multiple grid container a class of…


WhatsApp Button to WooCommerce Single Product Pages

Display a WhatsApp button on WooCommerce single product pages. You can customize color and shape of…

Disable Plugin & Theme Editor

Prevent users from using the Plugin & Theme file editor.

Defining Postmark Mailer Constants

This snippet will prevent users from changing WP Mail SMTP settings in your WordPress admin area…

MemberPress: Set Custom Product Pages

Use this snippet if the membership shortcode is used on a custom page (the page that…

MemberPress: Replace Font-Family for PDF Invoice

To replace the font-family used for PDF invoices, font files need to be uploaded to a…

MemberPress: Add/Override State Drop Down Values

Adding this code snippet to a website will override the list of states available under the…

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