Add Email Tag For Donation Field

Add an email tag for an existing donation field.

Change Custom Amount Field Label Per Campaign

Filter the custom amount field description on a per campaign basis.

Move Campaign Summary Below Content

Move the campaign summary block (funds raised, number of donors, etc) to below the extended description…

Custom Countries

Illustrates how to add a custom list of countries


Allow SVG Files Upload (copy)

Add support for SVG files to be uploaded in WordPress media.

Allow Subscriptions Product on BOGO and Add Product Search Field

add_filter( 'acfw_product_search_allowed_types' , 'acfw_search_add_support_for_subscription_products' ); function acfw_search_add_support_for_subscription_products( $product_types ) { $product_types[] = 'subscription'; $product_types[] = 'variable-subscription';…

Vendor Email Tag

Show the Shop Vendor's email for each download purchased

Variable Pricing License Expiration

Set the expiration time for licenses per price option

Single Vendor Purchase

Limits the customers purchase to a single vendor

Display a message after the 1st paragraph of posts

Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!

Custom Social Share Email Subject

If you wish to modify the email subject text when clicking the social share email icon…

Basic WP escaping functions

// ❌ Don't use _e(), __(), _x() etc. to output data // ✅ Use the escaped…

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