div#om-{{id}} * { font-family: "Proxima Nova", Helvetica, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif !important; }
Register and Enqueue fullPage.js library
MemberPress: Add An Email Parameter That Displays A Link To The Sub-Account Signup Page
This code will create a new email parameter named {$subaccount_link}. This email parameter can be added…
Allow SVG Files Upload
Add support for SVG files to be uploaded in WordPress media.
Disable filter added by the Caddy plugin that hides WooCommerce shipping rates
Removes the filter that hides other WooCommerce shipping rates when free shipping is available, allowing all…
///Shortcode con atritubo //Ejemplo de uso [shorcode_name atributo="Valor Aqui"] echo "el atributo que colocaste es: ";…
mailpoet close css
MailPoet 弹窗缩小效果
Multiple Event Tracking Custom Form Example
How to use Multiple Event Tracking with a custom HTML form.
MemberPress: Redirect Users After Login Based on Roles
This code snippet customizes the login redirection in MemberPress based on user roles. Users with roles…
Clamp Text size for Elementor
only for elementor builder
Disable Tasty Pins on the homepage and the blog page
This snippet will disable the Tasty Pins on the homepage and the blog page