Hiding Your Identity For Amazon SES Mailer Setup

This snippet will enhance privacy and domain restrictions using WP Mail SMTP with Amazon SES mailer.…

Hotfix: Free Downloads - Always load assets

In version 2.3.15 of Free Downloads, an attempt was made to only load the Javascript asset…

Dynamic Monsterlinks by Id

// Target by ID window.onload = function(){ document.getElementById("someID").href="MONSTERLINK_URL"; }


document.addEventListener( 'om.GoogleAnalytics.preConversionEvent', function( event ) { const { gaEvent } = event.detail; gaEvent.name = 'generate_lead'; //…

Editorial Group GTM Body Tag

Add GTM Tag to Site Body in Editorial Site Group

Colin Bunn PRO


WPCode snippet

Nabil El-Khodari

Multiple Event Tracking with an HTML Link

Example of how to use Multiple Event Tracking with an HTML link.

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