Let Customers Select Their User Role From A Custom Field In Wholesale Lead Capture
Create a custom field with the user role selection, make sure that the values match your…
Custom Field to Vendor Settings Page
/* WC Vendors Pro - My Custom Field */ function store_bank_details( ){ if ( class_exists( 'WCVendors_Pro'…
Remove table from dashboard
if ( ! function_exists( 'wcv_remove_recent_order_table_columns' ) ) { /** * Remove columns from Recent Orders table…
wpadmin add phone number with address in orders page
add_action( 'manage_shop_order_posts_custom_column' , 'custom_orders_list_column_content', 50, 2 ); function custom_orders_list_column_content( $column, $post_id ) { global $the_order, $post;…
Disable Blog Posts
// Remove side menu add_action( 'admin_menu', function () { remove_menu_page( 'edit.php' ); } ); // Remove…
apt-get install php81rc-pecl-imagick apt-get installphp81rc-pecl-imagick
Change Combined Date Format | Display Eventbrite Events
The combined date display layout is used is most layouts, e.g. card, widget, default and can…
Combined Date – Time Format (Sample: 16th January) | Display Eventbrite Events
The combined date / time format appears in several layouts and typically looks like 12/02/2019, 10:00…
Cores especificas para cada status do posts/pages
/*----------------------------------------------- Distinto color segun estado de entrada -----------------------------------------------*/ function posts_status_color() { ?>
Tutor LMS - Woocommerce Create Account After Payment
Gửi email tài khoản sau khi đã "completed" đơn hàng trên Woocommerce (Cartflows) -> kích hoạt…
Hiding Your Identity For Amazon SES Mailer Setup
This snippet will enhance privacy and domain restrictions using WP Mail SMTP with Amazon SES mailer.…
Hotfix: Free Downloads - Always load assets
In version 2.3.15 of Free Downloads, an attempt was made to only load the Javascript asset…
Test Header
test body