MemberPress: Reposition the Invoice Wrapper in the Registration Form
This code snippet will move the invoice section (.mepr-transaction-invoice-wrapper) of the registration form and position it…
MemberPress: Restrict Email Domains on Registration
This code snippet will limit the membership registration to only the allowed list of email domains.…
MemberPress: Move "Upgrade" Button to after Subscriptions Tab
This code snippet creates a new tab positioned right after the Subscriptions tab on the MemberPress…
Alex Anzalone
Player profile for alex anzalone
Add Donation Receipt Opt Out Checkbox
In this function we register a new donation field with a key of `receipt_opt_out`. If the…
Change Campaign Rewrite To Not Use With Front
Customizes the definition of the campaign post type, setting the with_front option to false.
Move Social Login Checkout Buttons
By default, the login buttons display below the payment icons for the gateway picker. This plugin…
Hide file-specific download options
This plugin hides file-specific download options so that All Access customers can only view/download the first…
Remove Product Notes For Specific Downloads
Remove a download's product notes from showing on the purchase confirmation page, the admin email, and…
Add an audio field to the sign up form
// Add the audio field to the signup form. add_action( 'wcv_form_input_after__wcv_store_name', 'wcv_audio_uploader'); function wcv_audio_uploader( ){ //…
Change the sold by label on the product archive
// Unhook WC Vendors method remove_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', array('WCV_Vendor_Shop', 'template_loop_sold_by'), 9 ); // Define new sold by…