MemberPress: Reposition the Invoice Wrapper in the Registration Form

This code snippet will move the invoice section (.mepr-transaction-invoice-wrapper) of the registration form and position it…

MemberPress: Restrict Email Domains on Registration

This code snippet will limit the membership registration to only the allowed list of email domains.…


Chad Geary

MemberPress: Move "Upgrade" Button to after Subscriptions Tab

This code snippet creates a new tab positioned right after the Subscriptions tab on the MemberPress…

Alex Anzalone

Player profile for alex anzalone

Jeffrey Bilbrey

Add Donation Receipt Opt Out Checkbox

In this function we register a new donation field with a key of `receipt_opt_out`. If the…

Change Campaign Rewrite To Not Use With Front

Customizes the definition of the campaign post type, setting the with_front option to false.

Move Social Login Checkout Buttons

By default, the login buttons display below the payment icons for the gateway picker. This plugin…

Hide file-specific download options

This plugin hides file-specific download options so that All Access customers can only view/download the first…

Remove Product Notes For Specific Downloads

Remove a download's product notes from showing on the purchase confirmation page, the admin email, and…


Taylor Lunemann

Add an audio field to the sign up form

// Add the audio field to the signup form. add_action( 'wcv_form_input_after__wcv_store_name', 'wcv_audio_uploader'); function wcv_audio_uploader( ){ //…

Change the sold by label on the product archive

// Unhook WC Vendors method remove_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', array('WCV_Vendor_Shop', 'template_loop_sold_by'), 9 ); // Define new sold by…

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