Register Multiple Donation Fields
Add multiple new fields to your donation form.
WPForms: swap price and option value for payment fields
This snippet makes the option label "$40.00 - Second Choice" instead of "Second Choice - $40.00"…
Show Invoice for Pending
Makes PDF Invoices available for pending payments
Weighted download count
This plugin makes it so that certain products use up more downloads in the download counter…
MemberPress: Auto Expand Coupon Field
Removes the “Have a coupon?” link and instead defaults to showing the coupon input field.
Add CSS classes to apply for vendor label
/** * Add CSS class to apply for vendor label in a registration * * @param…
home slider html
if (is_front_page()) : ?>
Add data-no-optimize to all JS snippets
This snippet filters the output of all the WPCode JavaScript snippets to add the data-no-optimize parameter…
Untitled Snippet
On Browsing EDD Products
This snippet targets window shoppers and encourages them to add more products to their carts. This…
Remove Gateway Choice On A Campaign/Donation Page
This shows how you can detect what page/campaign you are on and remove a gateway from…
Eriberto23 AI
Es mi Chatbot para promover mi Negocio de ZenithZing