Sample Email Template Tag
This is an example of how to register a new email template tag for EDD as…
Redirecting Vendors to Vendor Dashboard on Login
Snippet To Redirect Vendors to their Dashboard on login
Add menu item to vendor dashboard
// Add this to your themes functions.php function add_menu_item( $pages ){ $pages[] = array( 'label' =>…
Fluid Design Framework - Fonts: Viewport MIN - 320 -- Viewport MAX - 1200 Space: Viewport…
Custom Social Share Email Body
Can be used to modify the default email body (content) when a user clicks the social…
Escaping data with wp_kses
// ❌ Don't use html tags in escaping functions like esc_html, esc_attr and their localized equivalents…
Filter the decision to send a user confirmation | Quick Event Manager
add_filter('qem_registration_always_confirm',,,1); This filter returns a Boolean to decide if a confirm is to be sent or…
Filter Slider Speed | Display Eventbrite Events
The following filter changes slider speed from default 10 seconds ( 10000 milliseconds ). (Note this…
Change rating tooltip colors
Use this CSS to change the default colors for the rating tooltip.
Convert Uploaded Images to WebP Format Automatically
Automatically convert uploaded images to WebP format.