Dynamic year for inserting copyright using only html with inline js

Adjust the styling either inline or using css. Either automatically add this to your site-wide footer,…

MemberPress: Create a Fallback Downgrade When a Transaction Fails

By default, the transaction has to expire, be canceled, or be refunded to create the fallback…

How to Display a List of WPForms Using a Shortcode

This snippet will create a new shortcode that can display all your WPForms forms.



fishing camera

Chet fishingfortrout

Untitled Snippet

Raymond Berry

Remove Donation Columns

Remove columns from the Donations export.

Limit Cart to One Item

Prevents customers from ever purchasing more than a single item at once

Withholding Tax Example

Withhold 30% of each commission amount when the customer address matches the store country for withholding…

Vendd Theme - Display Downloads Purchase Button

This is a CSS snippet which displays the download purchase button

Add User Email To Donation Summary

This will allow - among other places - for the user email to be displayed on…

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