Remove the Page Title from the Page Header

The following code can be used to remove the title from the page header title area…

MemberPress: Add Logout Confirmation Popup

This code will force a confirmation popup to show when users click the Logout link on…

MemberPress: Remove the Pause link for specific membership

By default, if pausing/resuming subscriptions is enabled for members, the Pause option will be available for…

Move Campaign Summary Description Below Content

Shuffle the order of things on the campaign page.

MemberPress: Move PayPal Smart Pay Buttons

Move the PayPal Smart Pay Buttons under the checkboxes for accepting Terms of Service and the…

MemberPress: Export Account Type in CSV

Add the following code to add a new CSV export option for Corporate Accounts that includes…

Change Donation Cancellation Url

Change the URL that donors are returned to when they cancel their donation.

Remove Organisation Field

Remove "organisation" from the profile form.

WPForms: swap price and option value for payment fields

This snippet makes the option label "$40.00 - Second Choice" instead of "Second Choice - $40.00"…

MemberPress: Hide Protected Posts on Archive Page

Hides posts that the current user (or guest) does not have access to from archive pages.

Override Header Logo with Custom SVG

While you can select an SVG image from the customizer for your header logo if you…

MemberPress: Remove the “Pause” Link for Subscriptions on the Account Page

The code will hide the Pause link for user subscriptions on the User account page (Account…

MemberPress: Hide the Cancel Link in the Account Page for a Period of Time

The code will hide the subscription cancellation link on the Account page for a set period…

Set Fixed Donation Amount

Automatically set the donation amount and recurring period for donations.

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