Override Wholesale Price Text Per Wholesale Role

This snippet allows you to display specific wholesale price text for each of your wholesale roles

Defer the reCAPTCHA Script

Defers the reCAPTCHA script until after the page finishes loading.



adam holt

Event Snippet (Schedule Fitting)

Event snipping is used to track Google ads booking conversions

JT Trisko PRO

Google AdSense Ad blocking recovery (Head Section)

Google AdSense Ad blocking recovery (Head Section) Snippet

Post class update

add_filter( 'body_class', function( $classes ) { $acc_type=tmwp_get_user_role(); if (!$acc_type) $acc_type='anonymous'; return array_merge( $classes, array('acc-type-'.strtolower($acc_type),tmwp_get_page_class()) ); }…

Change Footer Text

/** * Filter the email footer text & link. * * @param string $text The default…

Change the Submit Button Color

Changes the color of the submit button for all WPForms. The colors in this CSS are…


Yoast SEO

Integration with Yoast SEO with WC Vendors

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