Main Base Twitter Pixel

Main Base Twitter Pixel

Anthony Pellino PRO

Keep me Logged In

Changes your Cookie expiration to one year so you don't have to keep logging so often.

Set Header Menu as "Custom"

If you are using a custom menu plugin for your header menu you can define your…

Add CPTs for Typesense

Enables you to add the CPTs selected for indexing and searching with Typesense

Show current day, month, year in various formats

Return the current date and parts of current date in various formats


Make Product Non Purchasable for Wholesale Customer if Product Stock is Less Than Certain Amount

This snippet will allow you to make a product unavailable for purchase by wholesale customers if…

Add Select Field To Donation Form

/** * Add a select field to the donation form. * * Fields are added as…

Display Form After Confirmation

Displays the form again after submission and below the confirmation message. Change the 999999 to match…


Rank Math

Support for Rank Math

Vertically center Instagram caption on hover

This vertically centers the caption that appears on hover inside the post.

تغيير عمله

/** * Change a currency symbol */ add_filter('woocommerce_currency_symbol', 'change_existing_currency_symbol', 10, 2); function change_existing_currency_symbol( $currency_symbol, $currency )…

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