Remove BreadcrumbList Schema

This snippet removes the BreadcrumbList Schema


Register New Donation Field

Adding a new field (in this example it is a National ID Number). Explains all the…

Hide Admins from being tracked

Adds a function that will allow you to properly add all your tracking scripts and stop…

Add Translated Version Sitemap Entries for a Specific Post

This filter can be used to add Translated Version Sitemap Entries for a Specific Post. You…


google tag

google code

Raymond Berry

Change Custom Amount Field Label

Filter the custom amount field description.

Set Custom Redirection After Registration

Send the user to a custom page after they have registered.

Change Business Info Email Icon

This filter can be used to change the business info email icon. Replace "/assets/images/email-icon.png" with the…


Remove the Article schema from Posts

This snippet removes the Article schema from Posts


Auto register guests that purchase

function wc_register_guests( $order_id ) { // get all the order data $order = new WC_Order($order_id); //get…

Carla Mawyin

Continue Shopping Button

Adds a "Continue Shopping" button to the left of the Update/Save Cart buttons on checkout.

Add Campaign Link

Add a link back to the campaign from the donation receipt.


// setup console.log("running"); let q = 1; const submit = document.getElementById("next-button"); const question = document.getElementById("question"); //…

WP Simple Pay: Create WordPress User After Payment (Lite)

Creates a new WordPress user when one-time payment is made with WP Simple Pay Lite.

Add Field Placeholders

Add placeholder attributes to donation fields, removing the label field.

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