Change Postcode To Zipcode

Change the "Postcode" field into a "ZIP Code" field.

WP Simple Pay: Create WordPress User After Payment (Lite)

Creates a new WordPress user when one-time payment is made with WP Simple Pay Lite.

Remove Author Links

If you are disabling author archives on your site you will want to remove the author…

Google Tag Manager Head

Google tag Manager Snippet (head section)

Disable Emoji Image Conversion Script of the Classic Editor

This filter can be used to disable the emoji image conversion script of the Classic Editor…


Add Field Placeholders

Add placeholder attributes to donation fields, removing the label field.

Keep Username As Display Name

When people update their profile, keep their display name set to be the same as their…

Submission Form Redirect

Filter the redirect URL for successful FES Submission Form submission

WP Simple Pay: Programmatically Set Custom Field Default Value

Use metadata as the default value for a payment form's custom field.

Elementor - Fix the Accordion SEO issue

add_filter( 'elementor/widget/render_content', function ( $widget_content, $widget ) { if ( 'accordion' === $widget->get_name() ) { $widget_content…

Prevent AIOSEO From Outputting any Data on Category Archive Pages

Prevent AIOSEO from outputting any data on category archive pages.


Add Creator Name

Display the campaign creator's name on the campaign page and in the campaign grid/list.

Insert Template at the Bottom of the Mobile Menu

The following snippet can be used to insert a custom template in the bottom region of…

WP Simple Pay: Create WordPress User After Payment

Creates a new WordPress user when a subscription is started or a one-time payment is made.

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