WPCode Add New Snippet Skip Library Screen
This snippet enables you to skip the snippet library screen when adding a new snippet in…
Continue Shopping Button
/** * Add Continue Shopping Button on Cart Page * Add to theme functions.php file or…
Change Country Field To Hidden
Change the Country field in the donation form to a hidden field with a hard-coded default…
Disable All Admin Notices individually
function disable_all_admin_notices() { remove_all_actions('admin_notices'); } add_action('admin_init', 'disable_all_admin_notices');
Change the Default Taxonomy Slug “locations-category”
This filter can be used to change the default taxonomy slug “locations-category”.
Custom Style Icons for Rating field
This snippet will customize your rating icons in the Rating field
Prevent AIOSEO From Outputting any Data on Category Archive Pages
Prevent AIOSEO from outputting any data on category archive pages.
Add Custom Campaign Field
This example shows how you can add a new campaign field to be displayed in Charitable…
Register New Donation Field
Adding a new field (in this example it is a National ID Number). Explains all the…
How to Disable Browser Autocomplete for Form Fields - all fields
/** * Disable form autocomplete for all fields on a specific form * * @link https://wpforms.com/developers/disable-browser-autocomplete-for-form-fields/…
Change "Your Donation" On Donation Form
On donation forms, the headline "Your Donations" can be changed to any text you want with…
Create List of Child Pages
To show a list of Child pages on the Parent Page
Remove the default 'aioseo-' ID prefix added for the Table of Content block
This snippet can be used to remove the default 'aioseo-' ID prefix added for the Table…
Combine and Minify CSS
Combine and Minify CSS
Generate and Send Invoice Number to Authorize.Net
This snippet generates and sends a unique invoice number to Authorize.Net for completed payments in WPForms