How to Conditionally Show the Next Button on a Specific Page

/** * Hide Next button on page 2 by default and show it once an option…


Change the No Results Found text in Modern Dropdown

This snippet changes the default no result found text in Dropdown field with Modern style.


WP Simple Pay: Add Custom CSS Classes to the Payment Button

"Payment Button" refers to the button that launches an On-site Overlay or Stripe Checkout Payment Form.

How to Disable reCAPTCHA for Automated Testing

/** * Disable for automated testing. * * @link */ // Disable reCAPTCHA assets and…


Make Form Fields Required Not Required

This example shows how to make a form field required or not required.

Increase the Number of Posts Imported Per Batch from Rank Math Plugin

This filter can be used to increase the default number of posts imported per batch from…


How to Add Address Field Validation For

/** * Add address validation for address fields * * @link */ function wpf_dev_authorize_address_validation(…



Allows these filetypes to be uploaded to the media library

WP Simple Pay: Custom Button Color

Using CSS, change the checkout button color from green to blue when using the Embedded or…

Change the Payment Delimiter Inside Email Notifications

This snippet changes the default separator for payment details in emails.


Add Multiple Checkboxes To Donation Form

This uses the "multi-checkbox" vs just "checkbox" for a single checkbox.

Save images as WEBP

/** * Convert Uploaded Images to WebP Format * * This snippet converts uploaded images (JPEG,…

Add Field To Set Custom Page As Donation Page

Create a new campaign field allowing to select the page where donations are made.

Sending Numerical Values Through Webhooks

This snippet allows you to send numbers through Webhooks as opposed to the default behaviour that…


Setting the Default Address Scheme to International

This snippet is used to update the default behavior of the Address field in WPForms. This…

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