Remove Multiple Fields From {all_fields} in Notifications
This code snippet removes multiple fields from your email notifications while still using the {all_fields} smart…
Meta Pixel Code
Add Meta Pixel Code in WPCode
Allow WebP Files Upload
The provided PHP code is intended to enable the upload of WebP image files in WordPress…
WP Simple Pay: Custom Webhook Handling Example
An example of handling the `coupon.updated` webhook event. For a full list of available events see:…
Remove the link from the current breadcrumb item on a page
This snippet removes the link from the current breadcrumb item on a page.
Custom Tab Order For Dashboard
The following code will allow you to change the order that the front end dashboard is…
Show 'NEW' Badges for Recently Added Items in WooCommerce
This code snippet adds a “NEW!” badge to products in WooCommerce, indicating that they are newly…
How to Hide Zero Quantity Items in Dropdown Payment Field Notifications
This snippet hides items with zero quantities from your WPForms notification emails when using payment fields
Hide Price & Add to Cart for Non Logged in Users for Specific Products
This code snippet allows you to hide the price and 'Add to Cart' button for users…
Add Campaign Raised Summary
Add a short summary after the donation details showing the funds raised by each campaign.
Amazon Affiliate Disclosure Top
Display an Amazon Affiliate disclosure at the top of posts and/or pages.
Continue Shopping Button
Adds a "Continue Shopping" button to the left of the Update/Save Cart buttons on checkout.
On Browsing WooCommerce Products
This snippet targets window shoppers and encourages them to add more products to their carts. This…
Change Custom Amount Field Label
Filter the custom amount field description.
Add Campaign Creator Name Donation Export
In this example, the campaign creator's name is added to the Donations export, so it's easy…