Search results for: admin
Localizing Date Picker Strings
This snippet is used to modify WPForms' default date picker locale
Stop Lazy Load
add_filter( 'wp_lazy_loading_enabled', '__return_false' );
HillTop Multi Tag: In-page Push
Hill Top Mult tag Inpush
Add Vendor Ratings / Feedback to Product Page
add_action('woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_form','vendor_feedback_product_page'); function vendor_feedback_product_page() { $vendor_id = get_the_author_meta('ID'); $vendor_shop = urldecode( get_query_var( 'vendor_shop' ) ); if (…
Custom Payment Icon
Register a custom payment icon to show on the checkout form.
GA Tag-header
html div#om-{{id}} { top: 0px !important; bottom: unset !important; width: 350px !important; left: calc(350px / 2)…
Lowercase Filenames for Uploads
Make all the filenames of new uploads to lowercase after you enable this snippet.
Untitled Snippet
Remove the author of an article
This snippet removes author of an article
Change the Payment Delimiter Inside Email Notifications
This snippet changes the default separator for payment details in emails.
On Scroll Elementor show/hide element
Note: You need to set the id for the button or element to "#scrolling-button".
Opening booking resources editor in new tab
This snippet will open the booking resources editor in a new tab instead of opening it…
Custom Countries
Illustrates how to add a custom list of countries