Search results for: admin

Extra WordPress Filters in Pro (Do something with the ticket availability display) | Display Eventbrite Events

Using this filter, you can change the ticket availability display. filter: (‘wfea_availability_display‘ , $msg, $total_sold, $event_capacity)…

Untitled Snippet

Web 1920 – 2 תכנים מקוריים בקרוב יעלו חדשות היום ערוץ לייב גיימרים ניו יורק LOST…


Doylton Davis


// Set OptinMonster Global Cookies when this function runs function setGlobalCookies() { document.cookie = "omSuccessCookie=true; expires=Fri,…

Reorder dashboard navigation

Bring the order page to the front of the product page

Customize Gift Card Code

/* Customize the generated Gift Card Code */ function agcfw_change_prefix() { return array( 'characters' => 'ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23456789',…

Add Vendor Ratings / Feedback to Product Page

add_action('woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_form','vendor_feedback_product_page'); function vendor_feedback_product_page() { $vendor_id = get_the_author_meta('ID'); $vendor_shop = urldecode( get_query_var( 'vendor_shop' ) ); if (…

Disallow point redemption if cart has subscription product.

This snippet will remove the point redemption option if the cart has a subscription product

How to Hide Zero Quantity Items in Dropdown Payment Field Notifications

This snippet hides items with zero quantities from your WPForms notification emails when using payment fields


Weighted download count

This plugin makes it so that certain products use up more downloads in the download counter…


danny hill

Blocks on templates

Setting a specific block on specific templates by default

Using the “Include Form Styling” Setting

With the Base styling only setting in place, multi-column layouts will generally not function properly. To…


WP Simple Pay: Reduce Currency Minimum Amount

The minimum amount is $0.50 US or equivalent in charge currency. WP Simple Pay uses $1.00…

Remove Specific Taxonomy From Public Taxonomies List

This filter can be used to remove the 'genre' taxonomy from the public taxonomies list.

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