Search results for: admin
Weighted download count
This plugin makes it so that certain products use up more downloads in the download counter…
Remove Specific Taxonomy From Public Taxonomies List
This filter can be used to remove the 'genre' taxonomy from the public taxonomies list.
Remove Post Title from Yoast Breadcrumb
/* Remove Post Title from Yoast Breadcrumb */ add_filter('wpseo_breadcrumb_single_link', 'remove_breadcrumb_title' ); function remove_breadcrumb_title( $link_output) { if(strpos(…
How to Hide Zero Quantity Items in Dropdown Payment Field Notifications
This snippet hides items with zero quantities from your WPForms notification emails when using payment fields
Extra WordPress Filters in Pro (Do something with the ticket availability display) | Display Eventbrite Events
Using this filter, you can change the ticket availability display. filter: (‘wfea_availability_display‘ , $msg, $total_sold, $event_capacity)…
WP Simple Pay: Reduce Currency Minimum Amount
The minimum amount is $0.50 US or equivalent in charge currency. WP Simple Pay uses $1.00…
Custom Payment Icon
Register a custom payment icon to show on the checkout form.
Dynamic Year Copyright Shortcode
This snippet adds an easy-to-use shortcode to display the copyright symbol with the current year.
Remove WordPress Version Number
Hide the WordPress version number from your site's frontend and feeds
Adding Material Design to Your Form Fields Using CSS
#wpforms-form-697 { float: left; width: 100%; text-align: center; margin: 30px auto 30px auto; } #wpforms-form-697 .wpforms-field…
VIsual Campaign Builder: Add HTML Tags To Display In The HTML/CODE Block
By design, Charitable allows only certain HTML to be displayed in the HTML/CODE Block of the…
Add Custom Element to Breadcrumbs
This snippet adds a custom Element called "Resources" (with its link) as the 1st element in…