Untitled Snippet



add_filter( 'astra_v4_block_editor_compat', "__return_true" );

Barry Persons

Allow Eventbrite Styles in Long Description | Display Eventbrite Events

Since version 5.3.4 the Display Eventbrite Plugin has been removing the inline styles Eventbrite add to…

Visitor Q snippet

Yannis Souris

Limit Uploaded Image Size

Set a max width and height for your image uploads to save space.

Defining SparkPost Mailer Constants

This snippet will prevent users from changing WP Mail SMTP settings in your WordPress admin area…


'use client'; import { usePathname } from 'next/navigation'; import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; export…


// Show the Yes/No view om{{id}}.changeView('yesno'); // Show the Optin view om{{id}}.changeView('optin'); // Show the Success…

And the Javascript to turn your HTML link into a MonsterLink v2

jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('a[class*="campaign"]').addClass("manual-optin-trigger"); $('a[class*="campaign"]').attr("data-optin-slug", "pm6fnflhiocj7cge"); });

Untitled Snippet


Downloads Email Tag

Adds a {downloads} email tag for use in email templates that outputs a simple list of…

Hide social login from checkout

Good for when you are using it elsewhere on your website and do not want it…

Expire pass when counter used up

This plugin makes All Access passes expire at the moment their download counter is used up.

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