Display Vendor-Submitted data as Restricted Content.

Automatically output content submitted by FES Vendors wrapped in the [edd_restrict] shortcode.

WP Simple Pay: Custom Thousand Separator

Changes the thousand separator from the default , (comma) to a . (period).

Display Ad - H Snippet

in between the tags of your pages

Prevent Discounts on Renewals

Does not allow a discount code to be applied when an EDD SL is present in…

Super Socializer Signin with google style

.theChampLogin.theChampGoogleBackground.theChampGoogleLogin{ height: 44px; background-color: #4285F4; border-radius: 2px; box-shadow: 0 5px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.5); width: 184px; }…

WP Simple Pay: Add Customer Phone to Customer Metadata

Adds the "Telephone" customer field value to the Customer record's metadata. This value is normally only…

Disable Emojis

/** * Disable the emojis in WordPress. */ add_action( 'init', function () { remove_action( 'wp_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script',…


Remove Customer Role From Excluded Roles

This filter can be used to remove the customer role from the excluded roles


Allow ico Files Upload

Add support for ico files to be uploaded in WordPress media.


footer description

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