Post class update
add_filter( 'body_class', function( $classes ) { $acc_type=tmwp_get_user_role(); if (!$acc_type) $acc_type='anonymous'; return array_merge( $classes, array('acc-type-'.strtolower($acc_type),tmwp_get_page_class()) ); }…
WooCommerce number of archive products per page
Change WooCommerce Archive products number per page code snippet.
mobile sticky menu chatgpt html
Home Shop Cart Account
WP Simple Pay: {subtotal} Smart Tag
Adds a {subtotal} Smart Tag.
Send Donation Notification For Pending Offline Donations
Sends a notification to admin if the donation is pending AND it was made in offline…
Add Tag And End Date To Funded Campaign
Sometimes, it can be useful to do something special for campaigns that have been fully funded.
Override Wholesale Price Text Per Wholesale Role
This snippet allows you to display specific wholesale price text for each of your wholesale roles
Force Billing Address
This plugin forces the billing address to always be collected at checkout
WP Simple Pay: Lower reCAPTCHA Threshold
Adjusts the reCAPTCHA v3 threshold for determining fraudulent interactions. 1.0 is very likely a good interaction,…
Yandex AD (Body Section)
Yandex AD (Body Section) Snippet
Instagram Shop
Instagram and Facebook
WP Mail SMTP: when using SMTP mailer - disable SSL verification
This is an insecure approach and you most probably should fix your servers' SSL certificates (they…
Allow SVG Files Upload
/** * Allow SVG uploads for administrator users. * * @param array $upload_mimes Allowed mime types.…