Search results for: admin

Limit Range Allowed in Numbers Field

This snippet will allow you to add a CSS class to any Number field and set…


Single Vendor Purchase

Limits the customers purchase to a single vendor

On Add to Cart Event in WooCommerce

Adds the cancellation event to stop the Browse Abandonment campaign for your push subscribers in the…

Change 'streetLineTwo' in Local SEO address output to an empty string

This filter can be used to change 'streetLineTwo' in Local SEO address output to an empty…


Allow ico Files Upload

Add support for ico files to be uploaded in WordPress media.

RB2B script

Rick Bawcum PRO

Company Field on Receipt

Outputs the "Company" on the payment receipt.

WP Simple Pay: Add More Aggressive Rate Limiting

Changes the various default rate limit settings.

Copyright Year Shortcode

Add shortcode to automatically update the copyright year. [year]

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