Remove Stats Summary Block From Specific Campaign
Hide the campaign summary stats from a few specific campaign, using the campaign IDs.
MemberPress: Remove Accordion from Courses
Use this snippet if you would like to remove the accordion CSS and JS from the…
TOC before first heading
Output the TOC block before the first heading in a post
Add Payment ID to Sales API
If sequential order numbers are on, those numbers are returned in the sales API instead of…
Remove Last Name at Checkout
Removes the Last Name field from the checkout page. Note: This worked with checkout shortcode only
Hide payment icons for trials
Hides the payment icons on checkout when the item in the card is a free trial
Add Custom Taxonomy to Woocommerce Single Product Page
add_action( 'woocommerce_product_meta_end', 'wcv_add_brands_single_product' ); function wcv_add_brands_single_product() { global $product; $taxonomy = 'wcv_brands'; // The custom taxonomy…
Set the ranges for Calendar List View | Display Eventbrite Events
The following code snippet filters the valid ranges for the next/prev keys of the calendar list…
Cusdtom WP escape
One major difficulty with passing WordPress org security reviews is escaping late. This function may help.
WC Vendors Marketplace vendor's list - Change Search for a vendor
Change Search for a vendor - WC Vendors Marketplace
Tasty Roundups - Change Heading from h2 to h3
Change all your Tasty Roundup headings from h2 tags to h3 tags
Disable WP Texturize
// Disable curly quotes remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wptexturize' );