Disable WP Texturize

// Disable curly quotes remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wptexturize' );


Untitled Snippet

Haingo Rakotomalala

Remove Specific Taxonomy From Public Taxonomies List

This filter can be used to remove the 'genre' taxonomy from the public taxonomies list.


Google Ads Referral Sweet Demo

Scheduled a demo form Google ads

Michael Cuevas

Untitled Snippet


MemberPress: Hide the Cancel Link in the Account Page for a Period of Time

The code will hide the subscription cancellation link on the Account page for a set period…

Style Just OptinMonster Campaign Placeholders

html div#om-{{id}} ::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: #333 !important; } /* Chrome/Opera/Safari */ html div#om-{{id}} ::-moz-placeholder { color:…

Remove Clear Link @ Variable Single Product Page

Remove clear link from attribute from single product page

Untitled Snippet

RMLS popup

Glenda Davis

Prevent Tasty Links inside Tasty Recipes

Prefer to keep your recipe cards clear of automatic links from your Tasty Links keywords? No…


Change City Field To Select

Change the City field in the donation form to a selectable, dropdown field, with several pre-set…

Add Hours Currency

Add a custom currency called "Hours".


Louis Agnello
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