
Louis Agnello

Remove Decimals

Removes decimal places from all prices

Billing Address Email Tag - Actual Country Name

Replace the default {billing_address} email tag to use the full State/Country names on purchase receipts.

Simple Chained Products

Enables a chained products setting on the Download product edit screen for automatically adding "chained" products…

Disable IP Geo lookup service

That script is the one making the call to the geolocation endpoint, the rest of the…

Elementor Store Headers

Gives support for Elementor on WC Vendor Headers

Custom Tab Order For Dashboard

// Add this to your themes functions.php to change the order, rearrage the lines. First line…

Current Year

function current_year_shortcode() { return date('Y'); } add_shortcode('year', 'current_year_shortcode');

MemberPress: Change Stripe Payment Description

Change the Stripe payment descriptor for non-recurring payments.

Woocommerce category archive sort products by date by default

Change the name of the category (in this e.g. gramatas). Now it will show newest products…


add_filter( 'astra_v4_block_editor_compat', "__return_true" );

Barry Persons

Extra WordPress Filters in Pro (Do something with the ticket availability display) | Display Eventbrite Events

Using this filter, you can change the ticket availability display. filter: (‘wfea_availability_display‘ , $msg, $total_sold, $event_capacity)…

Add tracking pixel / javascript on modal checkout complete | Display Eventbrite

Enable addition javascript to be executed on Eventbrite Modal Order Complete, this can be use for…

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