Search results for: admin

Partner Group GTM Body Tag

Add GTM Tag to Site Body in Partner Site Group

Colin Bunn PRO

Google Call Tracking - On Website

This snippet goes on the Contact page where our phone number is displayed. It allows Google…

Andrew Boldizsar PRO

Recreate the aioseo_cache table

This code snippet recreates the missing 'aioseo_cache' table. This code snippet should be enabled and executed…


Untitled Snippet

add_filter( 'aioseo_robots_meta', 'aioseo_filter_robots_meta' ); function aioseo_filter_robots_meta( $attributes ) { $url = home_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ); if (strpos($url,'product_search=')…

Display Form Entries

Displays form entries on the front end of your site. Once this snippet is added and…


Untitled Snippet


Change Time zone Offset in the Publish Date of the Sitemap Entries

The code snippet below can be used to change the time zone offset in the publish…


Auto Register Login Link

Replaces the login link included in the Auto Register email, which directs customers to log into…


div#om-{{id}} * { font-family: "Proxima Nova", Helvetica, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif !important; }

Event URL (Simple Usage) | Display Eventbrite Events

This filter allows you to adjust the event URL. This is primarily so you can add…

Remove BreadcrumbList Schema

This snippet removes the BreadcrumbList Schema


Block URLs Inside Text Fields

This snippet will prevent Text and Textarea fields such as Single Line Text and Paragraph text…

Single Vendor Purchase

Limits the customers purchase to a single vendor

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