Restricting Address Autocomplete to a Specific Country

This snippet is used to modify the default behavior of the address autocomplete feature in WPForms.…



WPCode snippet

Nabil El-Khodari

Set Campaign Thumbnail Size

Set campaign thumbnails to have the same size.

Hide social login from checkout

Good for when you are using it elsewhere on your website and do not want it…

Expire pass when counter used up

This plugin makes All Access passes expire at the moment their download counter is used up.

Remove Post Title from Yoast Breadcrumb

/* Remove Post Title from Yoast Breadcrumb */ add_filter('wpseo_breadcrumb_single_link', 'remove_breadcrumb_title' ); function remove_breadcrumb_title( $link_output) { if(strpos(…

Add a video field to the sign-up form

// Add the video field to the signup form. add_action( 'wcv_form_input_after__wcv_store_name', 'wcv_video_uploader'); function wcv_video_uploader( ){ //…

Force product type for all products

// Disable the product type drop down. add_filter('wcv_disable_product_type', function() { return true; } ); /** *…

mobile sticky menu chatgpt css

/* Reset some default styles */ body, h1, ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; } /*…

Untitled Snippet

Remya Achipra

Move "Ships From" under the Product Meta, in the single product page template

Move "Ships From" under the Product Meta, in the single product page template by using 'product_ships_from'…

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