Convert Uploaded Images to WebP Format Automatically

Automatically convert uploaded images to WebP format.

Untitled Snippet


Allow Other WordPress Roles to Manage Email Logs

This snippet will allow you to manage the capabilities of roles allowed to manage the site's…


Loading the Elevenlabs Text to Speech AudioNative Player...

MemberPress: New and Improved Remove State From Registration (For countries that don’t have a drop down)

This code snippet will override the MemberPress script used to manage the state field on the…


// Using AngularJS. var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);$rootScope) { $rootScope.$on(&quot;$locationChangeStart&quot;, function(event, next, current) { if…



htmk to monsterlink

jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('a[href="#"]').addClass("manual-optin-trigger"); $('a[href="#"]').attr("data-optin-slug", "pm6fnflhiocj7cge"); });

WSG GTM Body Tag

Add GTM Tag to Site Body in WSG Site Group

Colin Bunn PRO

Logout URL

This snippet creates a simple logout URL link that you can use as a shortcode.

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