Adding French Time Format for the Date / Time field

This code snippet adds a new French format to the Date / Time field.


Add Donation Form Shortcode

Display a specific campaign's donation form using a shortcode.

Exclude a Specific Post from the Sitemap

This filter can be used to Exclude a Specific Post from the Sitemap. Note: Replace 614…


Processing Smart Tags in HTML Field

This snippet makes WPForms Smart Tags usable in the HTML field


Disable Auto-generated Image Sizes

When we upload any media, WordPress automatically generates other extra sizes of it. It may eat…

Remove Login Form

Remove the login prompt from being displayed before the donation form.

Move Fields

Move fields in the Donation Form.

WooCommerce Change "$0.00" to "Free"

/** * Snippet Name: WooCommerce Change "$0.00" to "Free" * Snippet Author: */ add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_price_html',…

Add Textbox To Donation Form

Adds a textbox to a donation form - for example, to collect a referral code.

Upload font files to media library

Allow the upload of font files (.ttf, .otf, .woff & .woff2) to WordPress media library

Remove Author Links

If you are disabling author archives on your site you will want to remove the author…

Change the separator html on pages

This snippet can be used to change the separator html on pages


Set WP Login Url To Charitable Login Page

Always use the Charitable login page as the login.

Redirect To Referer After Login

After a user logs in, redirect them back to the page they were on right before…

Change / Translate Plugin Text

This is a local translation snippet that should work for any phrases in Charitable and Charitable…

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