Allow adding more than 10 additional keyphrases
This snippet allows adding more than 10 additional keyphrases. Note: Replace 20 with the maximum number…
Send Notifications On User Registration
/** * Notify admin and user when a user registers with Charitable. * * @param array[]…
Change the Post ID Being Processed by AIOSEO
This snippet can be used to change the Post ID being processed by AIOSEO.
Remove Multiple Fields From {all_fields} in Notifications
This code snippet removes multiple fields from your email notifications while still using the {all_fields} smart…
Customize Donation Stats
Customize the stats that are shown in the Donation Stats widget.
Remove the link from the current breadcrumb item on a page
This snippet removes the link from the current breadcrumb item on a page.
How to Customize the Labels for Image Choices
/* Position labels over images and hide them by default */ form#wpforms-form-1000 .wpforms-field .wpforms-image-choices-label { position:…
Add WPCode Custom Field Smart Tag
Add a custom smart tag for the WPCode scripts metabox that outputs the value of a…
Show local fonts in block editor
Display custom fonts in the backend editor
Button - Add to cart to Buy Now
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_add_to_cart_text', function( $text ) { if ( 'Add to cart' == $text ) { $text…
Hide Admins from being tracked
Adds a function that will allow you to properly add all your tracking scripts and stop…
Add Campaign Raised Summary
Add a short summary after the donation details showing the funds raised by each campaign.
How to Hide Zero Quantity Items in Dropdown Payment Field Notifications
This snippet hides items with zero quantities from your WPForms notification emails when using payment fields
How to Customize the Labels for Image Choices - Combined effect
form#wpforms-form-1000 .wpforms-field .wpforms-image-choices-item:hover .wpforms-image-choices-label { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); background-color: #f6f6f6; color:…
Change Custom Amount Field Label
Filter the custom amount field description.