Amazon Affiliate Disclosure Bottom

Display an Amazon Affiliate disclosure at the bottom of posts and/or pages.


Change Section Headers

Change the section headers in the donation form.

Remove Order Notes in checkout page

/** * Snippet Name: Remove the Order Notes field section from the WooCommerce checkout. * Snippet…

WP Simple Pay: Copy Payment Metadata to Customer Metadata

Ensure the Stripe Customer metadata is the same as the Stripe Payment metadata.

Block URLs Inside Text Fields

This snippet will prevent Text and Textarea fields such as Single Line Text and Paragraph text…

Require Us Phone Number Format

This snippet shows how to alter the phone field so that it only accepts a number…

Custom Countries

Illustrates how to add a custom list of countries This list will be used anywhere EDD…

Profile Data Shortcode

Renders the value of a single Profile Form field. Accepts one value, key. But it has…

Disable The WP Admin Bar

Hide the WordPress Admin Bar for all users in the frontend.


// Add custom scripts function add_custom_script_webfont_loader_js() { wp_register_script( 'webfontloader', '', array(), '1.6.28', true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'webfontloader'…

Remove Manage Sites

Removes the Manage Sites column from the licenses table on the customer purchase history page

Exclude downloads from search

Exclude downloads from showing in search results

MemberPress: Add Author Bio Shortcode

Place the [mpcs-author-bio] shortcode in a post, page, or course. The shortcode will display the biographical…

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