[IG] iOS Double-Click required to open lightbox fix

This snippet can be added in the functions.php file of a child theme to disable the…

WP Simple Pay: Add Customer Shipping Address to Payment Metadata

Maps the customer's shipping address to the one-time payment record's metadata.

Add Dynamic Hidden Field

Dynamically set as a hidden field in the donation form, based on the ID of the…

Add Empty Option To Countries List

Add an empty "Select your country"option at the start of the list of countries in the…

Add Field To Set Custom Page As Donation Page

Create a new campaign field allowing to select the page where donations are made.

Instagram Shop

Instagram and Facebook

jeannie weingarten

WP Mail SMTP: when using SMTP mailer - disable SSL verification

This is an insecure approach and you most probably should fix your servers' SSL certificates (they…

Increase After Order Actions Delay

By default, Easy Digital Downloads schedules a WP Cron event 30 seconds after a purchase is…

WP Simple Pay: Custom Server-Side Validation Before Payment Creation

Perform additional custom server-side validation prior to allowing a payment to be created.

Post class update

add_filter( 'body_class', function( $classes ) { $acc_type=tmwp_get_user_role(); if (!$acc_type) $acc_type='anonymous'; return array_merge( $classes, array('acc-type-'.strtolower($acc_type),tmwp_get_page_class()) ); }…

Change Accepted Countries Per Campaign

This example shows how to change the accepted countries list on a per-campaign basis.

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