Search results for: admin

Combined Date – Time Format (Sample: 16th January) | Display Eventbrite Events

The combined date / time format appears in several layouts and typically looks like 12/02/2019, 10:00…

Escaping Data

// instead the _e(), __() or _x() use the escaped version _e('Email Summary', 'duplicator-pro'); // this…

Add Custom Field From Donation Form On The Receipt Page

This is an example of how to show a field data someone entered in their donation…

Change Business Info Opening Hours Icon

This filter can be used to change the business info Opening Hours icon. Replace "/assets/images/email-icon.png" with…


Dynamic Monsterlinks by Id

// Target by ID window.onload = function(){ document.getElementById("someID").href="MONSTERLINK_URL"; }

WSG Group GTM Head Tag

Add GTM Tag to Site Header on WSG Site Group

Colin Bunn PRO

Hide the Submit Button on Calculator Forms

To use any of the Calculator forms but want to hide the submit button. Use this…


Force Minimum Password Length at Checkout

Force a minimum password length when a customer creates an account at checkout

Limit SEO Title to 60 characters

This filter limits the SEO Title length to 60 characters throughout the website


Change Twitter Title for a Specific Post

This filter can be used to Change the Twitter Title for a Specific Post. You can…



document.addEventListener('om.Campaign.init.preload', function(event) { var campaign = event.detail.Campaign; if ({slug} === { campaign.settings.preload = false; }…

Custom fields to vendor settings page

add_action('wcvendors_settings_after_paypal', 'pv_add_custom_merchant_id_field'); function pv_add_custom_merchant_id_field() { ?>

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