Remove table from dashboard

if ( ! function_exists( 'wcv_remove_recent_order_table_columns' ) ) { /** * Remove columns from Recent Orders table…

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Amilee Selfridge


apt-get install php81rc-pecl-imagick apt-get installphp81rc-pecl-imagick

Static Page

html, body { overflow-x:hidden }

Convert Uploaded Images to WebP Format Automatically

Automatically convert uploaded images to WebP format.

Emails via two different Postmark streams based on the email subject

WP Mail SMTP plugin does not directly support selecting a specific Postmark message stream based on…

Remove Specific Taxonomy From Public Taxonomies List

This filter can be used to remove the 'genre' taxonomy from the public taxonomies list.


Style ALL Placeholder Text on Your Website

::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: #333 !important; } /* Chrome/Opera/Safari */ ::-moz-placeholder { color: #333 !important; } /*…

Search and replace text strings

This snippet searches for 'old' text and replaces it with the new text. This way you…

Force Minimum Password Length in Profile Editor

Verify password minimum length in the EDD profile editor.

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