How to Disable Browser Autocomplete for Form Fields - all fields
/** * Disable form autocomplete for all fields on a specific form * * @link…
Amazon Affiliate Disclosure Bottom
Display an Amazon Affiliate disclosure at the bottom of posts and/or pages.
Copyright Year Shortcode
Add shortcode to automatically update the copyright year. [year]
Disable Wordpress image compression
// Disable image compression add_filter( 'jpeg_quality', 'smashing_jpeg_quality' ); function smashing_jpeg_quality() { return 100; } // Disable…
product attributes on hover
a snippet to show product attributes in product archive grid layout
How to Change the Captcha Theme on Google Checkbox v2 reCAPTCHA
/** * Change the captcha theme for the Google Checkbox v2 reCAPTCHA * * @link…
WP Simple Pay: Create WordPress User After Payment
Creates a new WordPress user when a subscription is started or a one-time payment is made.
Set a Custom Reply-To Email
This snippet will ensure all emails sent from your site have the same reply-to email address.…
Add Field Placeholders
Add placeholder attributes to donation fields, removing the label field.
MemberPress: Add Author Custom Bio Shortcode
Add the [mpcs-author-custom-bio slug="mepr_short_bio"] shortcode to a post, page, or course. The shortcode will display the…
Adding a Custom Filter when using Other SMTP Setting
This snippet will help in troubleshooting steps from "SMTP Error: Could not authenticate".
Make Single Field Required
Make a single field on the donation form required.
Google Tag Manager
Google Tag Manager Head
Use a WooCommerce Product Attribute as the Brand in Product Schema
This filter enables using a WooCommerce Product Attribute as the Brand in our Product Schema. Note:…
Add Creator Name
Display the campaign creator's name on the campaign page and in the campaign grid/list.