Amazon Affiliate Disclosure Top

Display an Amazon Affiliate disclosure at the top of posts and/or pages.


Replace Add to Cart with Download

If the user has purcahsed the product already, show a links to download each file associated…

WP Simple Pay: Programmatically Access Payment Metadata After Payment

Programmatically access metadata (such as custom field values) associated with a payment record after a subscription…

Change the Default Taxonomy Name “aioseo-location-category”

This filter can be used to change the default taxonomy name “aioseo-location-category”.


Set Custom Donation Receipt Page

You can set a custom donation receipt page, including a page that is not on your…

Add Campaign Creator Name Donation Export

In this example, the campaign creator's name is added to the Donations export, so it's easy…

Limit user posts

A settings page to set the number of posts all users can create


Add FES Vendor Dashboard Tab

Add a new tab to the Frontend Submissions vendor dashboard menu.

MemberPress: Exclude Posts, Pages, Categories, or Tags from PayWall

Exclude specific posts, pages, categories, or tags from being viewed with the PayWall free views.

Add Custom Field From Donation Form On The Receipt Page

This is an example of how to show a field data someone entered in their donation…

Disable SEO News Dashboard Widget

This filter can be used to Disable SEO News Dashboard Widget.

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