Custom Countries

Illustrates how to add a custom list of countries This list will be used anywhere EDD…

Profile Data Shortcode

Renders the value of a single Profile Form field. Accepts one value, key. But it has…

Disable The WP Admin Bar

Hide the WordPress Admin Bar for all users in the frontend.


// Add custom scripts function add_custom_script_webfont_loader_js() { wp_register_script( 'webfontloader', '', array(), '1.6.28', true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'webfontloader'…

Remove Manage Sites

Removes the Manage Sites column from the licenses table on the customer purchase history page

Exclude downloads from search

Exclude downloads from showing in search results

MemberPress: Add Author Bio Shortcode

Place the [mpcs-author-bio] shortcode in a post, page, or course. The shortcode will display the biographical…

pdf page count

pdf page count

George Nikfard

Add Custom Donation Field With Dynamic Value

Add a new donation field to be displayed in Charitable emails related to donations.

Make Single Field Required

Make a single field on the donation form required.

Allow Admin Access

Enables access for logged in users who do not have certain permissions.

WP Simple Pay: BuddyBoss Preview Compatibility

Provides BuddyBoss preview function compatibility

Set Minimum Donation Amount

Set the minimum donation amount required.

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