Format USD Currency

Displays $ as USD This will make $10 be displayed as 10 USD To set this…

Checkout Cart Thumbnail Size

Adjust the dimensions of the product thumbnails displayed in the checkout cart.

WooCommerce Wholesale Lead Capture Re-send Email Button in User Profile

This snippet will add a resend email button under User profile.

WP Simple Pay: Remove Payment Page Compatibility Mode

Allows 3rd party scripts and styles to load on dedicated Payment Pages. These are disabled by…

Change Opening Hours Closed Label

This filter can be used to change the closed label of Opening Hours. Replace 'Closed today.'…


Register New Donation Field For Specific Campaign

Add a new donation field to your site, but only display it in the front-end donation…

Lazy load YouTube videos in WordPress with Shortcode

Lazy load YouTube videos in WordPress with Shortcode

Restrict Downloads to Purchase Email

Force users to be logged-in to download purchased files through Easy Digital Downloads and also require…

Disable recurring renewal notices for specific download

Allows renewal notice emails to be disabled for subscriptions including a certain download.

Remove Free Text

Remove the word "free" from free products

Disable Pages and Post from Appearing in Wordpress Search Results

Using WPCode, apply the following code snippet to effectively disable certain pages from appearing in the…

WP Simple Pay: Change Custom Amount Field Input Type

Changes the `type` attribute on the `input` tag. This helps some mobile keyboards have a better…

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