Combine shortcodes to have more than one month in Fullworks' Event Manager
This snippet combines 3 shortcodes of qem to list the current month, next month and the…
MemberPress: Display Account Tabs Anywhere
This code registers a new shortcode: [mepr-account-links]. This shortcode can be used anywhere to display the…
Register New Donation Field For Specific Campaign
Add a new donation field to your site, but only display it in the front-end donation…
Google Search Console
Google Search console snippet
wordpress on-page confirmation message
.wpforms-confirmation-container-full { color: #D2A336; margin: 0 0 24px 0; background: #000000; border: 1px solid #D2A336; padding:…
Puri Dimensi
Konsultan SLF Profesional dari PT Puri Dimensi Berpengalaman lebih dari 25 Tahun Dipercaya Lebih 500 Klien.…
How to Defer the reCAPTCHA Script
/** * Defer the reCAPTCHA script until after the page loads * * @link */…
Copy Donation Receipt To Admin
Send the donation receipt to the site admin as well.
WP Simple Pay: Conditionally Dequeue Scripts & Styles
Conditionally dequeue scripts & styles based on set conditions. In this example, we remove all plugin…
Add Rel Nofollow to Top Bar Social Links
We don't recommend it but if you want to add a nofollow attribute to your top…
HubSpot tracking code
HubSpot tracking code
Copyright & Current Year Shortcodes
Add this snippet to the functions.php file in your theme or plugin. Type [year] in any…
Include Pending Donors
By default, the Donors widget & shortcode will only include donors with Paid donations. With this…
Add terms to downloads shortcode
Adds label and comma-separated terms list to [downloads] shortcode based on taxonomy
Remove Price
Removes the price from all add to cart buttons