How to Add an Input Mask to the International Postal Code
/* * Custom input mask for the address field's international scheme. * * @link */…
WP Simple Pay: Hide reCAPTCHA Badge
Hide the reCAPTCHA badge and add links to the privacy policy and terms of service. Adds…
Customer Order Note for WooCommerce Products
Inserts a note field next to the add-to-cart button on every WooCommerce product page. Customers can…
Export Categories and Tags
Export Categories and Tags
Change Campaign Slug Base
Change the /campaigns/ bit to something else.
Move WPCode Status Column
This snippet makes the status column the 2nd column in the admin list of snippets.
Change Fields On Donation Form
Example on how to change labels for fields on donation form.
Keep me Logged In
Changes your Cookie expiration to one year so you don't have to keep logging so often.
Set Header Menu as "Custom"
If you are using a custom menu plugin for your header menu you can define your…
Remove Campaign Description
Remove the campaign descriptions from the campaign loop (campaign shortcodes).
Show current day, month, year in various formats
Return the current date and parts of current date in various formats
Add Dynamic Hidden Field
Dynamically set as a hidden field in the donation form, based on the ID of the…
Remove "Login with GoDaddy" from GoDaddy Managed WordPress
When using a managed WordPress account with GoDaddy, they make the Login for WordPress show a…
Remove Address Line 2 from the Local SEO address output on the front end
This filter can be used to remove Address Line 2 from the Local SEO address output…
Allow adding more than 10 additional keyphrases
This snippet allows adding more than 10 additional keyphrases. Note: Replace 20 with the maximum number…